Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How (not) to get a driver’s licence in PNG

We’ve been in PNG for almost half a year already! Hard to believe. One of the first things we tried to do in August was to get our PNG driver’s licences. After all, the law is that foreigners have to get their licence within their first three months in the country, and we knew it would be hard to do while we were at POC. Long story short: we finally got our licences today. Long story long: keep reading. 

Wed, Aug 10, 9 AM: Go to office with the sign “Traffic Registry” above it. Be told that, as an ex-pat, you need to see one particular police officer in the building next door. Wait in line to talk to this officer. Be told that he doesn’t have the appropriate paperwork with him, so come back on Thursday or Friday. 

Fri, Aug 12, 3:15 PM: Arrive at said office. Find out that it closes at 3 PM. Depart for several months of language training and hope they’ll turn a blind eye to the letter of the law that says you need to get a licence within three months. 

Wed, Dec 8, 9 AM: Go back to office, now ready to ask in Tok Pisin instead of English. Officer doesn’t show up. 

Tue, Dec 13, 9 AM: Go back to office. Wait half an hour. Enter office. Be told you need to bring photocopies of passport, work permit, and Canadian driver’s licences (originals won’t do, of course). 

Mon Dec 19, 9 AM: Go back to office. Wait an hour. Do some errands in town. Someone has spotted the officer at the bank in town, so he may be coming soon. Wait another hour. Decide to go home because baby isn’t so happy. Give phone number to someone who’s planning to stay until he comes. At 2 PM, find out the officer eventually came but wasn’t prepared to process licences today. Decide not to come back until after the Christmas season. 

Fri, Jan 12, 9 AM: Go back to office. No one’s there. Leave a minute later to do other errands. 

Fri, Jan 12, 11:30 AM: Go back to office. No one’s there. Leave a minute later and go home. 

Tue, Jan 23, 9 AM: Go back to office. No one’s there. Consider they may have changed the rules over the Christmas break. Go to office with the sign “Traffic Registry” above it and start waiting in line. Someone else waiting in line interrupts the man behind the desk and gets you some driver’s licence applications. You fill them out and hand them to the man behind the desk along with those photocopies of ID. Then you stand in another line to pay. Then you wait around for your name to be called out. At last, you have your picture taken and watch your licence being printed. Leave at 10:45 AM with licence in pocket. That didn’t take long!


  1. love it!!!!!!!
    Mark Mulder

  2. Wow! Frustrating for you, but humorous for us to read:)

  3. Holy culture shock, Batman! Glad you got it worked out in the end. :-)

  4. I compliment you on your perseverance!

  5. Great missionary story!
    Arjan de Visser

  6. Frustrating, but thankful that your perseverance finally paid off!

  7. OK, we won't complain any longer when we have to wait 10 minutes in line at the bank lol...


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